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latest cloudways hosting review

Tired of Slow Sites? This Cloudways Hosting Review Will Change Your Life

Last updated on September 9th, 2024 at 05:57 pm

Cloudways: Hype or Holy Grail? Let’s cut through the BS…

Look at the internet’s LOUD about cloud hosting. Faster, scalable, blah blah. BUT… is it right for YOU? <— That’s the REAL question.

Cloudways is the name on everyone’s lips. They promise the moon. But let’s be honest: your needs aren’t the same as those of some random bloggers.

THIS CLOUDWAYS HOSTING REVIEW is different. We’re not going to list features and call it a day. Nope. We’re matching Cloudways’ strengths to your hustle. E-commerce? Agency life? Just starting out? We’re about to find out if Cloudways is worth it.

Spoiler: It might be, but ONLY if it fits your puzzle. Let’s dig in.

Cloudways Decoded: No PhD Required

Cloudways: Imagine your own 24/7 IT squad but without the six-figure salaries. Sounds good, right?

Basically, it’s managed cloud hosting, which means they handle the nerdy server stuff so you can focus on your business.

Who’s this for?

  • E-commerce peeps sick of slow sites killing conversions? Cloudways = speed boost.
  • Agencies juggling a zillion client sites? Cloudways = streamlined, stress-free.
  • Devs who wanna tinker but hate sysadmin headaches? Cloudways = freedom to code.
  • Beginners terrified of the command line? Cloudways = easy mode activated.

Features in Plain English:

  • Sites load FAST (like Usain Bolt fast). Google loves that.
  • Need more power? Scale up with a few clicks. No downtime, no migraines.
  • Support when you’re freaking out at 3 AM? Yep, they got you.
  • 2024 reviews rave about it. Even newbies find it intuitive.

Cloudways is the training wheels for cloud hosting, but it’s also the Ferrari when you’re ready to floor it.

Feature Frenzy: Let’s See if Cloudways Walks the Walk

Performance: Need for Speed

Okay, we get it; Cloudways says they’re fast. But talk is cheap. We dug deep, ran tests, stalked forums. The verdict?

  • It’s LEGIT fast—think sub-second load times, even under heavy traffic. Google is going to LOVE your site.
  • Real-world proof: E-commerce stores see bounce rates plummet. Agencies keep clients happy. Devs build without bottlenecks.
  • The tech behind it: SSDs, optimized stacks, CDN… it’s all there.
  • BUT: Your setup matters. Crap code? Even Cloudways can’t save you.

Ease of Use: Grandma-Approved?

Cloudways brags about being beginner-friendly. But can your grandma really launch a WordPress site on it?

  • Surprisingly, YES. The dashboard is clean, and 1-click installs are a lifesaver.
  • Even developers admit it’s streamlined—no more wrestling with server configurations.
  • Caveat: Some tech knowledge helps. But compared to raw cloud servers? Cakewalk.

Scalability: From Zero to Hero

Side hustle today, viral sensation tomorrow? Can Cloudways handle your glow-up?

  • YES, but with a catch. Vertical scaling is easy – more RAM, CPU, done.
  • Horizontal scaling (multiple servers) gets trickier and needs some know-how.
  • Pricing scales, too: More power = more $$$. Factor that in.

Security: Your Digital Fortress

Hacks, breaches, nightmare fuel. How’s Cloudways’ defense game?

  • They take it seriously. Firewalls, 2FA, auto-updates the works.
  • E-commerce folks, breathe easy: PCI compliance is built-in.
  • BUT: You’re not immune. Strong passwords, etc., are still on YOU.

Support: When Sh*t Hits the Fan

24/7 expert help sounds too good to be true?

  • It’s mostly true. Live chat, tickets. They’re responsive.
  • Devs love it: They actually understand the tech.
  • BUT: No hand-holding for basic stuff. Google-fu is still your friend.

Bottom line: Cloudways has the features to make your site fly. But are they the right features for you? Keep reading.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Cloudways Unfiltered

Alright, let’s get real. Cloudways aren’t sunshine and rainbows 24/7. It has its quirks and its challenges.

The Price Hike:

Yeah, we have to talk about it. DigitalOcean acquisition -> prices went up. It sucks, we know. But the value proposition is STILL strong. You get what you pay for.

Other Stumbles:

  • Not the cheapest option. If you’re on a shoestring, other hosts exist.
  • Learning curve. Beginners will face it. Docs are good, but not hand-holding.
  • Server management. You’re in control, which is awesome or terrifying, depending on you.

BUT… The Pros Hit HARD

For the right user, Cloudways is a game-changer. Let’s break it down:


  • Blazing Speed: Your site will FLY. No more sluggishness, no more lost customers.
  • Scalability on Steroids: A traffic spike? No problem. You can scale up in seconds and pay for what you use.
  • Dev Paradise: Customizable AF. SSH access and Git integration go wild.
  • Support That Gets It: They’re there When you need help. And they know their stuff.
  • Peace of Mind: Security, backups, they’ve got your back.


  • Price: Not budget-friendly. But you’re paying for premium performance & features.
  • Beginner Curve: If you’re tech-averse, it’ll take effort.
  • No Hand-Holding: You’re in the driver’s seat. That’s empowering or overwhelming.

So, who wins with Cloudways?

  • Devs: Flexibility & control are king.
  • Agencies: Client management is a breeze.
  • E-commerce: Speed & security are non-negotiable.
  • Growing sites: Scalability without the hassle.

Beginners? Proceed with caution. It’s doable, but be ready to learn.

The takeaway? Cloudways has its flaws, but its strengths are undeniable. It’s all about finding the right tool for the job. Is Cloudways your tool? Let’s keep digging.

Show Me the Money! Cloudways Pricing: Decoded

Let’s talk $$$ because nobody has time for hidden fees and bill shock. Cloudways is pay-as-you-go, which sounds cool—until you’re scaling and the costs creep up.

Plans Breakdown, No BS:

  • Multiple cloud providers: AWS, Google, DigitalOcean… each has its own flavor (and price).
  • Server size matters: More RAM, CPU, storage = higher monthly bill.
  • Add-ons: Backups, extra bandwidth… they add up.

It’s NOT the Cheapest… But You Get What You Pay For

Look, if you’re bootstrapping on ramen noodles, Cloudways might sting. BUT… consider what you’re getting:

  • Performance that rivals dedicated servers: Hello, happy customers & Google rankings.
  • Scalability without the panic: Traffic spike? Click, click, boom, handled.
  • Support that ACTUALLY helps: No more script-reading robots, actual humans who know their stuff.
  • Time saved = money earned: Less server fiddling = more focus on your biz.

Competitor Check: How Does it Stack Up?

We peeked at the rivals (AWS Lightsail, Kinsta, etc.). Some are cheaper upfront, but:

  • Cloudways’ management layer is GOLD: Easy for non-techies, powerful for devs.
  • Support is top-notch: Get real help from the big guys at 3 AM.
  • Flexibility: Mix-and-match cloud providers, server sizes… you’re in control.

Bottom Line:

Cloudways isn’t for bargain hunters. But if you value your time, want top performance, and need a host that scales with you, it’s an investment, not an expense.

Cloudways Smackdown: Crushing the Competition

Let’s get one thing straight: EVERY cloud host claims to be fast and scalable. Yawn. Cloudways does that, too, obviously. But it’s the extras that make them shine.

For Agencies: Herding Cats Made Easy

Client sites scattered across multiple hosts? Nightmare. Cloudways’ got your back:

  • One dashboard to rule them all: Manage ALL client sites in one place. No more login juggling.
  • Team access controls: Give devs access and keep clients out of the engine room.
  • Easy billing: Transparent pricing, no surprises when invoicing time comes.
  • White-labeling: Make it your brand, not Cloudways’. Clients never know the difference.

For Developers: Unleash Your Inner Geek

Tired of hosts that cramp your style? Cloudways is your playground:

  • SSH access: Full root access, tweak till your heart’s content.
  • Git integration: Push code like a boss and streamline your workflow.
  • Multiple PHP versions: Run legacy & cutting-edge projects, no compatibility headaches.
  • Server configs: Fine-tune everything; no more “one size fits all” limitations.

For E-commerce: Speed + Security = $$$

Your store’s gotta be FAST, or shoppers bounce. And SECURE, or they’ll never trust you.

  • Optimized stacks: WordPress, Magento, and WooCommerce are all tuned for speed.
  • Free SSL: Encrypt that traffic and build trust from the get-go.
  • PCI compliance: Essential for handling credit cards, Cloudways has you covered.
  • CDN included: Serve content from global locations and keep everyone happy.

For Beginners: Hand-Holding, Not Headaches

Just starting out? Cloudways won’t leave you hanging:

  • 1-click installs: WordPress, etc., up and running in minutes.
  • Intuitive dashboard: No confusing menus; everything’s where you expect it.
  • Great docs & community: Get answers when you’re stuck and learn from others.
  • BUT: It’s still cloud hosting. Some tech-savvy is needed, but the learning curve is manageable.

Alternatives Exist, But…

There are AWS Lightsail, Kinsta, and DigitalOcean, and each has its niche.

  • Cloudways’ edge: That management layer. It makes complex stuff simple without sacrificing power.
  • Support: Seriously, it’s good. ‘Nuff said.
  • Pay-as-you-go: Only pay for what you use. Scale up or down as needed.

The Battleground: Feature Face-Off

FeatureCloudwaysKinstaWP EngineSiteGround
Cloud ProvidersAWS, GCP, DigitalOcean, Vultr, LinodeGoogle Cloud Platform ONLYAmazon Web Services & Google CloudGoogle Cloud Platform ONLY
1-Click Staging
Server Cloning
24/7 Support
Pay-As-You-Go❌ (Fixed monthly plans)❌ (Fixed monthly plans)❌ (Fixed monthly plans)
Free Migrations✅ (Limited)✅ (Unlimited)✅ (Unlimited)✅ (Limited)
Dev ToolsGit integration, SSH, WP-CLI, etc.Git, SSHSFTP, WP-CLISFTP, SSH
Cloudways vs. The Rest: The Hosting Heavyweight Showdown

The Verdict?

Cloudways may not be the only choice, but it’s the smartest for many. If you value flexibility, performance, and having a team in your corner, it’s hard to beat.

Huddle Up, Champs! Game’s Not Over

We just ran the gauntlet. Cloudways dissected. The good, the bad, the pricey. So are YOU in?

  • E-commerce warriors: Site speed = sales. Cloudways delivers. Period.
  • Agency MVPs: Client juggling got you down? Cloudways is your playbook for sanity.
  • Code ninjas: Flexibility is your oxygen. Cloudways lets you BREATHE.
  • Newbies: There is a steep learning curve, BUT the payoff is HUGE if you’re ready to hustle.

“But coach, it’s expensive!”

True. But time is money; stress KILLS productivity. Cloudways buys you both.

What if I hate it?”

They got your back. Free trial, no credit card BS. Migration’s a breeze; some plans even do it for you. And if it’s REALLY not a fit? Money-back guarantee. No risk, all reward.

The question ain’t, “Can I afford Cloudways?”

It’s “Can I afford not to?” Your site’s your storefront, your 24/7 salesperson. Give it the power it deserves.

One last thing: Don’t just take my word for it. Kick the tires yourself. That free trial is calling your name.

How to create a WordPress website on cloudways-

To set up a WordPress website on Cloudways, you need to follow three steps-

  1. Buy a domain name-
  2. Choose your cloudways web hosting plan and install WordPress
  3. Point your domain name to cloudways-


If you are new in blogging, we have a complete A to Z blogging guide for beginners; click here to know more.

How to Purchase a domain name-

Cloudways does not offer any domain registration service. So, we will buy our domain name via Namecheap domain registrar. To learn more about the domain and its buying process, click here.

How to install WordPress on cloudways-

On cloudways, WordPress installation is a straightforward process. Go to cloudways and click on Start Free.

cloudways free trial offer

Then click on the signup option to create and confirm your account, or click on cloudways login here if you already have a cloudways account.

cloudways signup account creation

Then choose the latest WordPress version from the application and server details. If you want to rename your managed server and project, do it; otherwise, it’s unnecessary.

cloudways wordpress installation process

Then select DigitalOcean as your IaaS provider, select your server size according to your need, and then pick your server location (When deciding on a hosting provider, one of the most important factors to consider is the server’s location. A server closer to where you expect your website traffic will help ensure a better user experience and improved website performance. Therefore, if you are looking to buy hosting, it is recommended that you choose a server location near where you expect your traffic. Server location can impact traffic and loading speed. Traffic is affected because of the distance between visitors and the server. If visitors are located near the server, they will experience faster loading times than those far away from it.)

Then click on the “launch now” button.

cloudways IaaS providers digitalocean

The next page will show your project information, and you will also see the number of minutes your server will be ready.

cloudways web hosting adding server

Then, after the server is added, you will also see your IP address in the “your server” section.

By clicking “www,” you will see the name of the application/website installed on this server. Then, by clicking on the name of your application, you will land on your application management dashboard.

cloudways hosting installed application location

You will see information regarding your application/website on the application management dashboard, in the access details section.

Application URL = By clicking on this option, you will land on your WordPress website

Admin panel = Admin username and password

Public IP address

cloudways application management dashboard

Your WordPress website URL is in the box. It does not look like a standard URL because you haven’t added your domain yet. (We will learn how to add your domain in the later part)

cloudways wordpress website temporary URL

To go to your WordPress website admin dashboard, type “/login” and click enter.

cloudways wordpress website admin URL

Then, fill in your admin email and password. Then click enter.

cloudways wordpress admin login URL

This is your WordPress admin or WP admin dashboard.

cloudways wp admin dashboard

How to connect a domain to cloudways-

To point your domain to cloudways, go to Namecheap, sign in to your account, click on the human icon from the top left, and click on the dashboard option.

namecheap domain cloudways hosting
namecheap account dashboard click

Go to the domain list and then click the manage option.

namecheap dashboard domain list cloudways web hosting

And then click on advanced DNS

namecheap advanced dns cloudways hosting

And then create a new A record

namecheap advanced Dns A record cloudways web hosting

How to write A record in Namecheap to connect a domain to cloudways

Type- Choose A record

Host- Write @ symbol

Value- Write your public IP from the cloudways. Go to cloudways application management > access details > application credentials.

TTL- Select 1 minute

Then click on “Save all changes.” (it will take a few minutes to a few hours to work correctly ) Namecheap A record cloudways hosting

Then go to Cloudways and change your old primary domain name to this new one.

Cloudways application management > Domain management > primary domain, then click on save changes.

change cloudways primary domain name to namecheap domain name

Then, check whether it is working or not via the application URL 

Cloudways application management > Access details > Application URL

cloudways application URL Namecheap domain name

As you can see, it’s working correctly as your primary domain name.

cloudways web hosting namecheap domain

You can watch the cloudways video tutorial here-


Cloudways is pricey, right? Worth it for a small blog?

It’s premium, yeah. But if speed and uptime matter (Google loves that), it’s an investment. It’s a tiny blog now, maybe not. Growth plans? Cloudways scales with you.

I’m NO tech whiz. Can I really handle Cloudways?

It’s way easier than raw cloud servers. 1-click installs, clean dashboard. But some Googling is inevitable. If you’re scared of that, maybe not yet.

Is E-commerce on Cloudways… secure enough for customer data?

You bet. PCI compliance, free SSL, firewalls—they take it seriously. But you still need strong passwords, etc. It’s a partnership, not a magic shield.

Cloudways support… is the 24/7 hype real? Or am I gonna be on hold forever?

It’s legit. They’re responsive and knowledgeable, and they offer live chat and tickets. But don’t expect hand-holding for basic stuff. Self-sufficiency is key.

My site’s on another host. Migrating to Cloudways – nightmare or not?

It’s surprisingly smooth. Some plans even do it for you (free!). Their documents are decent, but having some tech chops helps.

Cloudways vs competitors. Gimme the quick & dirty.

It depends on your needs. Cloudways wins on ease of use and support but can be pricier. Competitors might be cheaper but more DIY.

Can Cloudways handle sudden traffic spikes? (Like, Black Friday level)

Yes, but it’ll cost ya. Vertical scaling is easy, but horizontal gets complex. Factor that into your budget before the rush hits.

I’m a dev, not a sysadmin. Is Cloudways limiting my freedom?

Hell no. SSH access, Git integration, custom stacks… it’s a dev’s playground.

I heard Cloudways got bought by DigitalOcean. What’s changed?

The main change was the price, which went up. Some features shifted. Overall, it’s still good, but transparency is key. Do your research now to avoid surprises later.

Okay, I’m sold. But what if I outgrow Cloudways someday?

That’s the beauty of it. You can migrate out as easily as you migrated in. There is no lock-in, just the freedom to choose what’s best for your business.

Is this the definitive Cloudways FAQ?

No. Your needs are unique. This is a starting point. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH; try the free trial. Then, decide if Cloudways is YOUR hosting soulmate.

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